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OUR Apprenticeship Program

Get the experience you need with our team.

Why Our Apprenticeship Program Exists

Considering how competitive and saturated the bootcamp-infused tech and design market is, we understand how hard it is to get hired with no experience when experience is required.

This is why our apprenticeship program is at the core of Rita XYZ. Our program will give tech, product, and design beginners the necessary experience they need to make all the difference in the tech and design career journeys.

Rita XYZ will bring in real clients with real projects, therefore, giving tech and design beginners tangible experience they can legitimately include on their resumes and portfolios.

Additionally, all project fees fund apprentice stipends! In other words, this is a paid Apprenticeship Program. Apprentices will receive a stipend at the end of the program to acknowledge their hard work.

Supporting Our Community

Both Rita Lab and Rita XYZ aim to support diverse creatives, technologists, and designers. That’s why Rita XYZ will live alongside Rita Lab.

Specifically, Rita XYZ will provide an apprenticeship opportunity to Rita Lab community members. This will make Rita XYZ’s recruitment process more efficient and meaningful.

Apprentice Roles

Product Manager

Rita XYZ Product Managers work with all team members to ensure everything is moving in the right direction, work is being completed on time, and project goals are being met. Our Product Managers are the engine that keeps the car moving.


While Rita XYZ Designers will mainly focus on Product/UX Mobile and Responsive Web Design projects, Rita XYZ Designers also work on Brand Identity, Creative Assets, and adjacent Design work.


Rita XYZ Developers mainly focus on bringing web experiences to life through low-code web builders like Webflow, but at times leverage coding skills to push the potential of the given project whether web or email.

Apprenticeship Benefits


Every apprentice is paired directly with a senior discipline leader, ensuring tailored guidance, insightful feedback, and firsthand mentorship. Whether you're a Designer, Product Manager, or Developer, you'll work alongside and learn from the very best in your field.

Real-World Experience

At Rita XYZ, our apprentices tackle genuine projects for diverse small businesses, with a particular focus on website design and development. For an in-depth look at our range of services, visit our Offerings page. You will gain real-world experience and, therefore, be able to put real-world case studies on your portfolio.

Cross-Functional Collaboration

As an apprentice, you won't just be siloed in your discipline. You'll collaborate with fellow apprentices across design, product, and tech, as well as engage with senior leaders and external partner stakeholders, ensuring a holistic understanding of project dynamics.

End-of-Program Stipend

Apprentices will receive a stipend at the end of the program to acknowledge their hard work. 100% of all partner project fees fund our apprentice stipends!

Applications are open! Apply now!

Are you ready to take the first official step in starting your tech or design career? We look forward to reviewing your application!

Note: This is a paid Apprenticeship Program. Apprentices will receive a stipend at the end of the program to acknowledge their hard work. All project fees fund apprentice stipends! Read the full details of our program in the official job listing by clicking "Apply Now" below.

Not ready to apply yet?

If you're not ready yet but are interested in applying in the future, subscribe to our Rita FYI newsletter! Stay up to date on future apprenticeship cohorts, as well as the latest from Rita XYZ and the wider Rita community.

Frequently Asked

What roles are you hiring for? How many apprentices are you hiring?

- Product Manager
- Frontend Developer
- UX Designer

For this next cohort, we're only hiring 3 apprentices (one of each of the roles above).

Can anyone apply? How much experience do I need? Can I apply without experience?

A big part of our mission, especially with our apprenticeship program, is to give tech, product, and design beginners the opportunity to get experience with limited experience. However, we do have a number of requirements listed in our official listing linked via the Apply Now" button above. While apprentices are led by our experienced leadership team, apprentices will be expected to know key concepts related to their respective domain.

Is this a remote opportunity? Can I apply regardless of where I'm located?

Our program is fully remote! Anyone can apply regardless of location. However, keep in mind the program will be run in Eastern Time Zone hours.

Is this a paid opportunity?

Yes! Apprentices will receive a stipend at the end of the program to acknowledge their hard work.

How long is the program? What is a cohort?

Our program is 3 months long. Rita XYZ will work on projects in 3 month intervals. A cohort is the team of apprentices we will hire for the 3 month duration of the project. So even if you don't get selected for the first cohort, the next cohort is just a short 3 months away! 🙂

What does the interview process look like?

Our team will go through all applications ensuring fairness and inclusion. Then our team will reach out to a group of applicants to move on to the intro interview round with the department / domain lead. Then a second career planning interview will take place. After the two rounds, final acceptance emails will be sent.

When are applications due?

Applications for our next cohort (July 2024 - October 2024) are now open.

I have another question not answered above. Where can I ask my question?

Please send us an email at ritaxyzap@gmail.com and we'll get back to you in 1-2 business days.